Thursday, March 27.
  • Breaking News

    Go spook yourself with Amnesia: Rebirth's new modding tools

    So, you’ve grit your teeth, bit your nails, and mustered up the courage to see Amnesia: Rebirth through to completion. Now what? The scares shouldn’t just end with the rolling of the credits, right? This week, Frictional updated the game with a patch that lets you play custom, player-created stories, along with all the tools you’d need to make a bespoke first-person spooker yourself.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity
    Natalie Clayton

    So, you’ve grit your teeth, bit your nails, and mustered up the courage to see Amnesia: Rebirth through to completion. Now what? The scares shouldn’t just end with the rolling of the credits, right? This week, Frictional updated the game with a patch that lets you play custom, player-created stories, along with all the tools you’d need to make a bespoke first-person spooker yourself.

    (more…) November 07, 2020 at 03:00PM

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