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    ‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات GameDev.net. إظهار كافة الرسائل

    Static / shared class or global variables Hello, I just realized that Angelscript does not really have a 'static' class variables like most languages. What would be the best approach to achieve a variable that will be shared among all instances? I tried to define global int but then it would not allow it because the class accessing it is shared. If I make it shared it doesn't compile - is it because global variables can't still be shared? I tried looking through the changelog and documentation and could not find anything https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 23, 2019 0

    Hello, I just realized that Angelscript does not really have a 'static' class variables like most languages. What would be the best ...

    Toggle LookAround for 3person like in PUBG, C++ Unreal Hey everyone, I am trying to create a toggle for my CameraBoom "SpringArmComponent", which has a FollowCamera. I've used the code>>>> bUseControllerRotationYaw = false; <<<<< to allow this to work in a function, but this only works when the key or mouse button is pressed and held which is what i want for the "ToggleOn". I want the camera to move to the back of the character when the Key is released, exactly the same as you see in other 3rd person games, especially pubg. Here is my code so you see what i am dealing with. The bUseControllerRotationYaw = true; found below needs to be there to correct the camera's viewing functionality, but this code also causes the character to spin sharply. void AFI_MainCharacter::ViewingRotationToggleOn() { // Don't rotate when the controller rotates. Let that just affect the camera. bUseControllerRotationYaw = false; } void AFI_MainCharacter::ViewingRotationToggleOff() { // find out which way is forward const FRotator Rotation = GetActorRotation(); const FRotator YawRotation(0, Rotation.Yaw, 0); // get forward vector const FVector Direction = FRotationMatrix(YawRotation).GetUnitAxis(EAxis::X); CameraBoom->SetRelativeRotation(YawRotation, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::ResetPhysics); CameraBoom->SetRelativeLocation(Direction, false, nullptr, ETeleportType::ResetPhysics); bUseControllerRotationYaw = true; } Here is a link to my facebook Dev Page, to a video showing the current effect. You will first see me move the camera as normal then i will "Click my middle mouse button and hold it" this shows the Lookaround mechanic. You will notice when i let go of the "Middle Mouse button" the character does a sharp spin. I just want the cameraboom and followcamera that is attached to spin around so the camera faces the back of the character. I want to move the camera to the original position not have the character move the way it currently does. My Question is, What code can i use for the ToggleOff, so my cameraboom rotates back to it's original postion???? Please help, I appreciate all the feedback, input, and advice i can get. Thankyou for your time, much appreciations. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 23, 2019 0

    Hey everyone, I am trying to create a toggle for my CameraBoom "SpringArmComponent", which has a FollowCamera. I've used the c...

    Interpolation on Client Between Server States I have an authoritative server which is sending position data to client every 100 ms. Ping between client and server is about 70 ms.(which is actually a variable) I have few questions regarding to interpolation between 2 server states recieved by client. 1-) Where should i place my interpolation code ? Inside my clients update method or should i interpolate whenever i recieve 2 update from server ? Example: fun onWorldData(data:JSONObject){ // called when update arrives from server. //initially serverUpdate1 and serverUpdate2 are empty objects. serverUpdate1 = serverUpdate2 serverUpdate2 = data if(serverUpdate1.has("x")){ // when at least 2 updates arrived interpolate and set position(just for 1st call) var blackPieceBodyX = Interpolation.linear.apply(serverUpdate1.get("x").toString().toFloat(),serverUpdate2.get("x").toString().toFloat(),0.15f) // how to calculate 3rd parameter ? var blackPieceBodyY = Interpolation.linear.apply(serverUpdate1.get("y").toString().toFloat(),serverUpdate2.get("y").toString().toFloat(),0.15f) blackPiece.body.setTransform(Vector2(blackPieceBodyX,blackPieceBodyY),0f) // this code sets position of body } } As you see interpolation code is called when i recieve update from server, not all the time inside update. 2-)How do i calculate 3rd parameter of Interpolation function ? In above code i was just experimenting with arbitrary numbers.Since server sends it every 100ms and ping is around 70,what should be 3rd parameter of interpolate function and how to calculate it ? Since for sure ping will be part of that calculation formula should i ping server to check ping to use in that formula all the time ? Or timestamp each serverupdate sent by server and when recieved get clients time and substract them ? 3-)Another approach i tried is this: fun onWorldData(data:JSONObject){ // called when sv update arrives to client. serverUpdate = data timeSinceLastUpdate = 0f } fun update(){ if(serverUpdate.has("x")){ // if server update arrived var blackPieceBodyX = Interpolation.linear.apply(blackPiece.body.position.x,serverUpdate.get("x").toString().toFloat(),timeSinceLastUpdate/updateTime) var blackPieceBodyY = Interpolation.linear.apply(blackPiece.body.position.y,serverUpdate.get("y").toString().toFloat(),timeSinceLastUpdate/updateTime) blackPiece.body.setTransform(Vector2(blackPieceBodyX,blackPieceBodyY),0f) //set position of body to interpolated values. timeSinceLastUpdate += deltaTime } } As you see in this example i interpolate between interpolated position of body and serverUpdate, not exactly interpolating between 2 server states inside my update method.updateTime is ping+serverUpdateRate since ping is around 70 and server sends updates every 100 ms it should be like 170(?) or formula is completely wrong i am not sure. Right now i am not sending timeStamp with serverUpdate from server but if it is necessary for interpolation 3rd parameter calculation i can do that. Thanks https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 23, 2019 0

    I have an authoritative server which is sending position data to client every 100 ms. Ping between client and server is about 70 ms.(which i...

    Screen Space Reflections in HLSL - proper camera ray casting Hi, I'm trying to implement SSR based on this blog Screen Space Glossy Reflections which is an implementation of Morgan's McGuire raytracing algorithm written in GLSL. Unfortunately I'm getting wrong results on Ray Tracing Screen Space step. Could anybody describe me how to generate camera screen rays properly (float3 viewRay)? My vertex shader looks like this: struct VertexOut { float4 posH : SV_POSITION0; float3 viewRay : POSITION; }; VertexOut VS_SSR( uint id : SV_VertexID ) { VertexOut output; float2 tex = float2( (id << 1) & 2, id & 2 ); output.posH = float4(tex * float2( 2.0f, -2.0f ) + float2( -1.0f, 1.0f) , 0.0f, 1.0f ); output.viewRay = float3(tex.x,tex.y,1); return output; } Draw call in C++ is just a fullscreen quad: setViewPort(renderTargetSize.x,renderTargetSize.y); deviceContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1,&ssrRTV,nullptr); depthResource->SetResource(depthResourceView); normalResource->SetResource(normalResourceView); effect->GetTechniqueByName("RayTrace")->GetPassByIndex(0)->Apply(0,deviceContext); deviceContext->Draw( 4, 0 ); Initialization of effect variables after compiling shader : compileShader(L"ssr.fx",macros,shaderFlags); depthResource = effect->GetVariableByName("depthBuffer")->AsShaderResource(); normalResource = effect->GetVariableByName("normalBuffer")->AsShaderResource(); projection = effect->GetVariableByName("projection")->AsMatrix(); depthBufferSize = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_depthBufferSize")->AsVector(); zThickness = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_zThickness")->AsScalar(); zThickness->SetFloat(1.0f); ZNear = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_ZNear")->AsScalar(); ZNear->SetFloat(0.5f); ZFar = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_ZFar")->AsScalar(); ZFar->SetFloat(32760.0f); stride = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_stride")->AsScalar(); stride->SetFloat(1.0f); maxSteps = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_maxSteps")->AsScalar(); maxSteps->SetFloat(25.0f); maxDistance = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_maxDistance")->AsScalar(); maxDistance->SetFloat(1000.0f); strideZCutoff = effect->GetVariableByName("cb_strideZCutoff")->AsScalar(); strideZCutoff->SetFloat(1.0f); I'm getting camera view dependent ray hit results. I mean when I move camera around hitPixel intersections with DepthBuffer changes. I also assume that viewToTextureSpaceMatrix is my projection matrix calculated in XMMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH(..) function call. Is that right ? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 23, 2019 0

    Hi, I'm trying to implement SSR based on this blog Screen Space Glossy Reflections which is an implementation of Morgan's McGuire ra...

    Reviews! EEK! So I published a game recently. If you haven’t heard it is called Frost Bite. It’s a snowy rogue like horror game. I’m pretty excited during the first week it was out it actually sold a couple copies but then reviews started coming in from people who had played it. Now I’ve been speed running this game for months so I was really surprised that one of the problems people had was that the environment was too difficult. I was actually worried it would be to easy to beat so people wouldn’t feel like they got their moneys worth in game play. I guess I made it a bit too hard. Everyone actually liked the graphics and the sound (Other than the footsteps not lining up with their sound which I’m still figuring out how to do.). From some polls I’ve done since releasing a lot of people are more willing to forgive bad graphics in Indie games. I would never have guessed because to me the graphics are one of the big reasons I choose the games I do. The sound in it I felt could have been improved. The games I’ve made in the past never really had sound. So this was my first experience making a soundscape. I’m still not sure how I feel about the reviews. I think they are fair but it’s a little discouraging. I’m not sure whether to keep trying to promote it, ignore it for awhile, or do a big update with an easy mode. It’s made harder by the fact that while it sold a few copies at first I haven’t sold another copy for quite some time now. While I figure out my next move I’ve been working on a test game to try and improve my skills in some of the things people have said Frost Bite was weak in. Releasing a game is more stressful than what I expected and getting reviews both feels good that people are playing your game but it’s also stressful because you find out all the weak points of both your game and your game development skills. You also find out positive things. I would never have guessed that the soundscape would have been such a popular element of the game. The post Reviews! EEK! appeared first on Gilded Octopus. View the full article https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 23, 2019 0

    So I published a game recently. If you haven’t heard it is called Frost Bite. It’s a snowy rogue like horror game. I’m pretty excited during...

    A New GameDev Coming Soon GameDev.net has evolved over the years just as the games industry has evolved. And now we're about to evolve again - maybe our 6th or 7th time in 20 years by one of the Moderator's count. Sometime in the next few days, when you visit GameDev.net, you're going to see something different: Quite a change But Why? GameDev.net has been a resource for game and interactive media developers for over 20 years, and the world is a much different place than it was when we started. We've made a few changes over the years to adapt to the times, but the core site with Tutorials, Blogs, Projects, Forums, Jobs, and so on is pretty much the same as it was 15-20 years ago. While we've done well to maintain our core existence, the reality is the world is a bit different. Developers have different needs for information and consumption is much different than it used to be. Technology platforms have democratized game development. The skill level spectrum is *huge* and the game developer audience as a whole is massive. I want GameDev.net to be the best resource for game and interactive media developers. It needs to adapt to the gamedevs of today. So with that, here's a short list of highlights coming with this new platform. What's New? The new platform is the same site at its core, but like any launch we added a few new things. Dark Theme Over the years this may be the most-asked for feature on the site. It took a while, but it's here. Hope you like it. You can enable the Dark theme in your account settings. Side Note: The theme settings include a toggle for full width layouts. New Layout This is the obvious one, but the organization has also changed. Items rarely used or visited have been removed, some names have changed, and navigation is a bit different. Probably most notable: Articles are now Tutorials Gallery is now Portfolios Added a Challenges area Jobs and Careers with Contractors Search bar at the top Forums are.. kidding. Forums are still Forums! Profile Dashboard The Dashboard is where you will find some basic profile stats, settings, and access to *all* of your content posted on GameDev.net. It's from the Dashboard that you can manage your Blogs, Projects, Tutorials, Forum Topics and more. Profile Dashboard Manage All Your Developer Blogs in One Place (You can still import your blog feeds via RSS!) Bookmarks Ever come across content on GameDev.net that you wish you could refer back to because you're researching a topic? I have. Now you can bookmark that content for easier access. I don't know why we didn't do this one years ago, but hey, it's here now - with bigger and bolder plans to come. Channels and Tags Throughout the site you'll notice badges of topics on content: These are what we're calling Channels and Tags. Click on them. You'll see all content associated with that topic, and depending on where you're at on the site when you click you might see all content types for the topic, or you might see all content across the site for the topic. Either way, this is Step 1 to making GameDev.net easier to navigate, explore, and find the information you're interested in seeing. Side note: You can now use any content tag you want (within reason). The Editor The Editor on the current site has always been a bit of a sore point. It's a WYSIWYG editor, and generally speaking a technical audience wants more control than WYSIWYG gives you. Completely understandable. We aren't ditching WYSIWYG just yet, but we're compromising with a markdown-capabable WYSIWYG. It's new and might have some quirks, but we'll keep working to improve it. A New GameDev Coming Soon We'll be launching this new platform very soon. As you can see, most of the platform will remain very familiar, but we're starting to add a few new items to improve navigation, discoverability, and your ability to share. While we expect the transition to be mostly smooth, we are prepared to handle any issues that may come up post-conversion. We think that overall it's a better, easier to use GameDev.net, and we hope you enjoy it. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 22, 2019 0

    GameDev.net has evolved over the years just as the games industry has evolved. And now we're about to evolve again - maybe our 6th or 7t...

    UAV Counter Reading Issue The procedure is: UAVBuffer.IncrementCounter() in first dispatch. UAV barrier waits for the previous op is done. Read the counter value by UAVBuffer.Load(0) I always got the value "0". I used PIX to check what's going on: It shows that the reading op should be fine. And below is what a counter buffer view in PIX: I init counter as a 32-bit(4 bytes) buffer, I don't understand why PIX showed the buffer count is 27,550. Does this make my counter reading got wrong value? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    نوفمبر 22, 2019 0

    The procedure is: UAVBuffer.IncrementCounter() in first dispatch. UAV barrier waits for the previous op is done. Read the counter value by U...

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