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    Official SVN repo down? Hi, Is it temporary or it's been like this for a while? I can't access the SVN repo (http://bit.ly/2Gkl8gF). Anyone knows anything? How automated is the GitHub mirror? It seems to have last change 3 months ago which seems quite old, and I can't compare this to Subversion one because ^. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hi, Is it temporary or it's been like this for a while? I can't access the SVN repo (http://bit.ly/2Gkl8gF). Anyone knows anything? How automated is the GitHub mirror? It seems to have last change 3 months ago which seems quite old, and I can't compare this to Subversion one because ^.

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2IvS3k7

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